We hold our values near and dear...
Our company values are like the glue that holds us together - and we practice them day in and day out! I'm going to "break the 4th wall" here (Hi... I'm Jacquelyn and I write all these blogs!) and say that I've worked at 5+ companies during my marketing career and I've never experienced such a healthy and respectful workplace culture! I think the reason we are so successful at living these values day in and day out is because we revisit them often and every decision we make, as a team and as individuals in the workplace, hinges upon our four core values:
Love: Choice of commitment, sacrifice, and true caring
Respect: To honor and place great value
Honesty: Truthfulness and integrity
Hard Work: Full effort and productivity
We treat one another, customers and vendors how we'd like to be treated. Don't get me wrong - there are days where it can be a bit of a challenge! However, we hold ourselves (and each other) accountable to these values. Before we speak, we think "Is this loving? Is this respectful? Is this honest?" ... and on the rare occasion that something slips out of our mouths in a weak moment, our team members hold one another accountable. It's a really neat thing to see, hear, feel and be part of.
Join The Culture
Recently, we felt compelled to share our mission and values with the world! We thought a lot about how we could encompass ALL that is Great Western Supply in to a short 3-minute video. Our friends at Two Tone Creative helped us create this magical snapshot of what it means to work at our company. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do: